Building a new amphibian conservation lab at the National Zoo of Chile / Construccion de un nuevo laboratorio de conservacion de anfibios en el Zoologico Nacional de Chile

Our team was able to implement a new lab at the National Zoo of Chile in Santiago.  We made the lab from PMODS or “built on site” shipping containers.  Here is a photo documentary on the new labs going in…

Nuestro equipo pudo implementar un nuevo laboratorio en el Zoológico Nacional de Chile en Santiago.  Hicimos el laboratorio a partir de PMODS o contenedores de envío "construidos in situ".  Aquí hay un documental fotográfico sobre los nuevos laboratorios en construcción...
Trucks delivered the pods in the morning. Los camiones entregaron las cápsulas por la mañana.
An entire crew unloaded the PMODS from the truck
An entire crew unloaded the PMODS from the truck. Un equipo completo descargó el PMODS del camión.
Forklifts were used to carry the PMODS up the narrow pathways of the zoo
Forklifts were used to carry the PMODS up the narrow pathways of the zoo. Se utilizaron carretillas elevadoras para transportar el PMODS por los estrechos senderos del zoológico.
Steel platforms had been built for the pods to sit on
Steel platforms had been built for the pods to sit on. Se habían construido plataformas de acero para que se asentaran las cápsulas.
Fork lifts were used to nudge the PMODS onto their platforms.
Fork lifts were used to nudge the PMODS onto their platforms. Se utilizaron montacargas para empujar los PMODS hacia sus plataformas.
The base of the units were welded to the platforms
The base of the units were welded to the platforms. La base de las unidades fue soldada a las plataformas.
The roof of the PMOD is then lifted by fork lifts.
The roof of the PMOD is then lifted by fork lifts. A continuación, el techo del PMOD se levanta mediante carretillas elevadoras.
Corner supports are set in place.
Corner supports are set in place. Se colocan soportes de esquina.
Walls are put up
Walls are put up. Se levantan muros.
Starting to look like a lab!!
Starting to look like a lab!! ¡¡Empieza a parecer un laboratorio!!
Electrical was installed inside.
Electrical was installed inside. La electricidad se instaló en el interior.
Lots of outlets for things like pumps, filters, lights...
Lots of outlets for things like pumps, filters, lights… Muchas salidas para cosas como bombas, filtros, luces…
Holes were drilled for plumbing.
Holes were drilled for plumbing. Se perforaron agujeros para las tuberías.
We avoided the use of anything that could rust and used plastics whenever we could.
We avoided the use of anything that could rust and used plastics whenever we could. Evitamos el uso de cualquier cosa que pudiera oxidarse y utilizamos plásticos siempre que pudimos.
Installing an RO system for good water quality.
Installing an RO system for good water quality. Instalación de un sistema de RO para una buena calidad del agua.
Part of the water filtration unit.
Part of the water filtration unit. Parte de la unidad de filtración de agua.
Aquariums were delivered.
Aquariums were delivered. Se entregaron acuarios.
Shelves were assembled.
Shelves were assembled. Se montaron estantes.
AC unit installation.
AC unit installation. Instalación de unidad de aire acondicionado.
A work bench.
A work bench. Un banco de trabajo.
Storage cabinet.
Storage cabinet. Armario de almacenamiento.
Aquariums placed onto stands.
Aquariums placed onto stands. Acuarios colocados sobre soportes.
First room of the finished lab.
First room of the finished lab. Primera sala del laboratorio terminado.
Second room of the finished lab
Second room of the finished lab. Segunda sala del laboratorio terminado.
We have a new amphibian conservation lab at the National Zoo of Chile in Santiago!! Thanks you to all of our many sponsors!!!!
We have a new amphibian conservation lab at the National Zoo of Chile in Santiago!! Thanks you to all of our many sponsors!!!! ¡¡Tenemos nuevo laboratorio de conservación de anfibios en el Zoológico Nacional de Chile en Santiago!! ¡¡¡Gracias a todos nuestros patrocinadores !!!!
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