Field Work / Trabajo de Campo

Our travels around Chile have been many.  We are always investigating new and historic localities for Darwin’s Frogs.  We wanted to provide an idea of some of the sights we have been taking in during our field adventures.

Nuestros viajes por Chile han sido muchos.  Siempre estamos investigando localidades nuevas e históricas para las ranas de Darwin.  Queríamos dar una idea de algunos de los lugares que hemos estado contemplando durante nuestras aventuras de campo.

The roads we use to get to field sites aren't kind on two wheel drive vehicles.
The roads we use to get to field sites aren’t kind on two wheel drive vehicles. Los caminos que utilizamos para llegar a los sitios de campo no son aptos para vehículos con tracción en dos ruedas.
Often times, four wheel drive vehicles are required to get us to field localities.
Often times, four wheel drive vehicles are required to get us to field localities. Muchas veces, se requieren vehículos con tracción en las cuatro ruedas para llevarnos a las localidades de campo.
Sometimes we have had to use horses to get to remote sites.
Sometimes we have had to use horses to get to remote sites. En ocasiones hemos tenido que utilizar caballos para llegar a sitios remotos.
We have had to use mules to carry our gear into remote localities for longer camping trips.
We have had to use mules to carry our gear into remote localities for longer camping trips. Hemos tenido que utilizar mulas para llevar nuestro equipo a localidades remotas para viajes de campamento más largos.
Camping has allowed us to remain at remote sites for extended periods of time.
Camping has allowed us to remain at remote sites for extended periods of time. Acampar nos ha permitido permanecer en sitios remotos durante largos períodos de tiempo.
A makeshift lantern illuminates our supplies to make breakfast before dawn.
A makeshift lantern illuminates our supplies to make breakfast before dawn. Una linterna improvisada ilumina nuestras provisiones para preparar el desayuno antes del amanecer.
Andy is great in the field but he needs his coffee in the mornings. In the absence of coffee filters, Andy gets desperate and uses a sock. I hope it was a clean one.
Andy is great in the field but he needs his coffee in the mornings. In the absence of coffee filters, Andy gets desperate and uses a sock. I hope it was a clean one. Andy es excelente en el campo pero necesita su café por las mañanas. Ante la falta de filtros de café, Andy se desespera y utiliza un calcetín. Espero que haya sido uno limpio.
Andy and Dante pose in the field for a quick shot after a great day of looking for Darwin's Frogs.
Andy and Dante pose in the field for a quick shot after a great day of looking for Darwin’s Frogs. Andy y Dante posan en el campo para una toma rápida después de un gran día buscando las ranas de Darwin.
The humid temperate forests of South Chile hold amazing biodiversity.
The humid temperate forests of South Chile hold amazing biodiversity. Los bosques templados húmedos del sur de Chile albergan una biodiversidad asombrosa.
We have been fortunate to enjoy many vines (Asteranthera ovata) in flower.
We have been fortunate to enjoy many vines (Asteranthera ovata) in flower. Hemos tenido la suerte de disfrutar de muchas vides (Asteranthera ovata) en flor.
The streams we come across are beautiful.
The streams we come across are beautiful. Los arroyos que encontramos son hermosos.
Lush vegitation often grows right to the water's edge.
Lush vegitation often grows right to the water’s edge. Una exuberante vegetación a menudo crece hasta la orilla del agua.
Every now and again we come across some of the aquatic inhabitants of these streams. This is a freshwater crab (Aegla sp.).
Every now and again we come across some of the aquatic inhabitants of these streams. This is a freshwater crab (Aegla sp.). De vez en cuando nos topamos con algunos de los habitantes acuáticos de estos arroyos. Se trata de un cangrejo de agua dulce (Aegla sp.).
It seems like we are always working in the shadows of volcanoes.
It seems like we are always working in the shadows of volcanoes. Parece que siempre trabajamos a la sombra de los volcanes.
The picturesque beauty of Chile is really unparalleled.
The picturesque beauty of Chile is really unparalleled. La pintoresca belleza de Chile es realmente incomparable.
Andy leaves no stone unturned.
Andy leaves no stone unturned. Andy no deja piedra sin remover.
The amphibians that we have encountered have been great. This tree frog (Batrachyka antantartica) was encountered calling at night.
The amphibians that we have encountered have been great. This tree frog (Batrachyla antantartica) was encountered calling at night. Los anfibios que nos hemos encontrado han sido geniales. Esta rana arbórea (Batrachyla antantartica) fue encontrada llamando por la noche.
Great colors to Chile's Rosy Frog (Eupsophus rosae).
Great colors to Chile’s Rosy Frog (Eupsophus rosae). Grandes colores para la Rana Rosada de Chile (Eupsophus rosae).
Alsodes igneus has a great pattern.
Alsodes igneus has a great pattern. Alsodes igneus tiene un gran patrón.
I had hoped that we would come across some of Chile's "False Toads" (this is Telmatobufo venustus).
I had hoped that we would come across some of Chile’s “False Toads” (this is Telmatobufo venustus). Tenía la esperanza de encontrarnos con algunos de los “falsos sapos” de Chile (este es Telmatobufo venustus).
Logging has been present in Chile for a long time. This is an old water powered saw mill.
Logging has been present in Chile for a long time. This is an old water powered saw mill. La explotación maderera está presente en Chile desde hace mucho tiempo. Se trata de un antiguo aserradero accionado por agua.
Deforestation in Chile has taken its toll on local amphibians.
Deforestation in Chile has taken its toll on local amphibians. La deforestación en Chile ha pasado factura a los anfibios locales.
Much of Chile's southern temperate forests have been converted to monoculture plantations of exotic trees.
Much of Chile’s southern temperate forests have been converted to monoculture plantations of exotic trees.  These plantations have little value to native amphibians. Gran parte de los bosques templados del sur de Chile se han convertido en plantaciones de monocultivos de árboles exóticos.  Estas plantaciones tienen poco valor para los anfibios nativos.
Logging trucks are all too common a sight in South Chile.
Logging trucks are all too common a sight in South Chile. Los camiones madereros son muy comunes en el sur de Chile.
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  1. Jim

    What is the status of Telmatobufo in the wild? Are you doing conservation work with species aside from Darwin’s Frogs?


    • Jim,

      Telmatobufo as a group are in trouble. The three species in the genus are all in very small areas. Development, deforestation, and introduced species threaten Telmatobufo. We are in the process now of developing an expanded facility to work with other endangered Chilean amphibians including Telmatobufo.

      Cheers & Thanks

  2. Katie Upsahl

    I most certainly hope Andy washed his sock first!

    I really have enjoyed reading about your project.


  3. Mau

    Any research about population state using occupancy models with Rhinoderma?

    • Mau-none so far with this species…would be a great project

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