Installing the Darwin’s Frog Breeding Center, Day 9 / Instalacion del Centro de Crianza de Ranas de Darwin, Dia 9

After several days in the Chilean sun, the coconuts should be dry enough for cleaning.
After several days in the Chilean sun, the coconuts should be dry enough for cleaning. Después de varios días bajo el sol chileno, los cocos deberían estar lo suficientemente secos para limpiarlos.
Some, however, are more cooperative than others.
Some, however, are more cooperative than others. Algunos, sin embargo, son más cooperativos que otros.
At last! A frog condominium!
At last! A frog condominium! ¡Por fin! ¡Un condominio de ranas!
Talented zoo staff welded a stand for the mister pump and bucket.
Talented zoo staff welded a stand for the mister pump and bucket. El talentoso personal del zoológico soldó un soporte para la bomba y el cubo.
Jaime wonders whether Andy will paint the stand or the sidewalk.
Jaime wonders whether Andy will paint the stand or the sidewalk. Jaime se pregunta si Andy pintará el puesto o la acera.
He painted a little of each, as it turned out.
He painted a little of each, as it turned out. Pintó un poco de cada uno, como resultó.
Finally the misting pump and barrel plus stand are ready.
Finally the misting pump and barrel plus stand are ready. Finalmente, la bomba nebulizadora, el barril y el soporte están listos.
Seeing perfect sprays of mist in each terrarium put smiles on our faces.
Seeing perfect sprays of mist in each terrarium put smiles on our faces. Ver rocíos perfectos de niebla en cada terrario nos hizo sonreír.
We collected collembola and got our cultures started in the insect room.
We collected collembola and got our cultures started in the insect room. Recolectamos colémbolos y comenzamos nuestros cultivos en la sala de insectos.
Happily, Chilean moss is the best in the world for frog terraria.
Happily, Chilean moss is the best in the world for frog terraria. Afortunadamente, el musgo chileno es el mejor del mundo para los terrarios de ranas.
At last, things are coming together!
At last, things are coming together! ¡Por fin todo se está arreglando!
We got the feeling the peacock was interested in using our moss for a nest.
We got the feeling the peacock was interested in using our moss for a nest. Teníamos la sensación de que el pavo real estaba interesado en utilizar nuestro musgo como nido.
Now, to set up the foggers.
Now, to set up the foggers. Ahora, para instalar los nebulizadores.
and they work perfectly!!
And they work perfectly!! Y ellos funcionan perfectamente !!
Time to tidy up and take some pics!
Time to tidy up and take some pics! ¡Es hora de ordenar y tomar algunas fotos!
Bill Lamar and I are happy to see everything nearing final form.
Bill Lamar and I are happy to see everything nearing final form. Bill Lamar y yo estamos felices de ver que todo se acerca a su forma final.Â

More soon…

Más pronto…

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1 Comment

  1. Nadara Rica


    I took an ecotour with Lamar’s company to Peru and loved it. I had no idea he was involved with amphibian conservation. Great stuff!


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