Installing the Darwin’s Frog Breeding Center, Day 6 / Instalacion del Centro de Crianza de Ranas de Darwin, Dia 6

Still more plumbing! It's easy to see why plumbers make good money--this is a lot of work!
Still more plumbing! It’s easy to see why plumbers make good money–this is a lot of work! ¡Aún más fontanería! Es fácil ver por qué los plomeros ganan mucho dinero: ¡es mucho trabajo!
Miles and miles of pipe and tubing!
Miles and miles of pipe and tubing! ¡Millas y millas de tuberías y tuberías!
Try to remember: the drains go in the lowest part of the floor!
Try to remember: the drains go in the lowest part of the floor! Intenta recordar: ¡los desagües van en la parte más baja del piso!
Getting late. Time to stop and tidy up a bit.
Getting late. Time to stop and tidy up a bit. Llegar tarde. Es hora de parar y ordenar un poco.
Can't even see what we've done.
Can’t even see what we’ve done. Ni siquiera puedo ver lo que hemos hecho.
The zoo staff pitched in and helped us haul out all the trash.
The zoo staff pitched in and helped us haul out all the trash. El personal del zoológico contribuyó y nos ayudó a sacar toda la basura.
Our neighbors to the North, a pair of Green-winged Macaws (Ara chloroptera), were fascinated by all the activity.
Our neighbors to the North, a pair of Green-winged Macaws (Ara chloroptera), were fascinated by all the activity. Nuestros vecinos del norte, una pareja de Parabas de alas verdes (Ara chloroptera), quedaron fascinados con toda la actividad.
Bernardo (middle), who will sculpt a ginat Darwin's Frog for the exhibit, comes to see what is happening.
Bernardo (middle), who will sculpt a ginat Darwin’s Frog for the exhibit, comes to see what is happening. Bernardo (centro), quien esculpirá una rana gigante de Darwin para la exhibición, viene a ver lo que está sucediendo.
Everyone, it seems, has an eye on the new facility!
Everyone, it seems, has an eye on the new facility! ¡Parece que todo el mundo tiene los ojos puestos en las nuevas instalaciones!Â

More to come; please visit us again!

Más por venir; por favor visítenos nuevamente!

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  1. It is exciting and encouraging to see amphibian conservation projects like these “come alive.” And it’s great to be able to see progress as it’s being made through photos. Keep up this wonderful, work! Generations to come will be grateful!

    Patti Romano

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