Installing the Darwin’s Frog Breeding Center, Day 5 / Instalacion del Centro de Crianza de Ranas de Darwin, Dia 5

Housing Authority...time to make shelters for the Rhinoderma, and to do this we use coconuts. First we drill them to drain the milk.
Housing Authority…time to make shelters for the Rhinoderma, and to do this we use coconuts. First we drill them to drain the milk. Autoridad de Vivienda… es hora de hacer refugios para la Rinoderma, y ​​para ello usamos cocos. Primero las taladramos para escurrir la leche.
Andy makes the supreme sacrifice and helps get rid of the coconut milk...delicious!
Andy makes the supreme sacrifice and helps get rid of the coconut milk…delicious! Andy hace el sacrificio supremo y ayuda a deshacerse de la leche de coco… ¡delicioso!
How to cut these things? Nope, a table saw won't work.
How to cut these things? Nope, a table saw won’t work. ¿Cómo cortar estas cosas? No, una sierra de mesa no funcionará.
That's better!
That’s better! ¡Eso es mejor!
Next, it's time to put in doors.
Next, it’s time to put in doors. A continuación, es hora de colocar las puertas.
Cut, drilled, and ready to dry in the sun so the coconut meat can be popped out easily, then on to the terrariums.
Cut, drilled, and ready to dry in the sun so the coconut meat can be popped out easily, then on to the terrariums. Cortado, perforado y listo para secar al sol para que la pulpa del coco pueda sacarse fácilmente y luego colocarse en los terrarios.
All the cutting and drilling drew the attention of a lizard (Liolaemus tenuis) living by the woodshop.
All the cutting and drilling drew the attention of a lizard (Liolaemus tenuis) living by the woodshop. Todo el corte y perforación llamó la atención de un lagarto (Liolaemus tenuis) que vivía junto a la carpintería.
The trek to the woodshop took us past some interesting zoo inhabitants like this Degu (Octodon degu).
The trek to the woodshop took us past some interesting zoo inhabitants like this Degu (Octodon degu). La caminata hasta la carpintería nos llevó a ver algunos habitantes interesantes del zoológico como este Degu (Octodon degu).
And the noise even woke up a nocturnal Chinchilla.
And the noise even woke up a nocturnal Chinchilla. Y el ruido despertó incluso a una chinchilla nocturna.
Time to wire and install the fluorescent lights.
Time to wire and install the fluorescent lights. Es hora de cablear e instalar las luces fluorescentes.
This is when tight quarters require SMALL hands!
This is when tight quarters require SMALL hands! ¡Aquí es cuando los espacios reducidos requieren manos PEQUEÑAS!
Finally the lights are done!
Finally the lights are done! ¡Por fin las luces están terminadas!
Even the Blue-and-yellow Macaw likes the look of things.
Even the Blue-and-yellow Macaw likes the look of things. Incluso al guacamayo azul y amarillo le gusta el aspecto de las cosas.
If only we had more access to the internet......
If only we had more access to the internet…… Si tan solo tuviéramos más acceso a Internet…Â

More on the way….

Mas en el camino….

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