Installing the Darwin’s Frog Breeding Center, Day 2 / Instalacion del Centro de Crianza de Ranas de Darwin, Dia 2

We shopped till we dropped.  Our list of supplies to pick up ranged from screen for the false bottoms to coconuts.  Fortunately, Santiago’s excellent hardware stores not only included everything we needed but also things we hadn’t seen in the United States.  Best of all, we found Rain-X, which allowed us to prevent the exhibit glass from fogging.

Compramos hasta cansarnos.  Nuestra lista de suministros para recoger iba desde pantallas para los fondos falsos hasta cocos.  Afortunadamente, las excelentes ferreterías de Santiago no sólo incluían todo lo que necesitábamos sino también cosas que no habíamos visto en Estados Unidos.  Lo mejor de todo es que encontramos Rain-X, que nos permitió evitar que el vidrio de la exhibición se empañe.
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The heck with lifting heavy aquaria; shopping is easily the most exhausting of tasks.
The heck with lifting heavy aquaria; shopping is easily the most exhausting of tasks. Qué diablos con levantar acuarios pesados; Ir de compras es sin duda la tarea más agotadora.
Chile has plastic screening of a design and quality we have yet to find at home.
Chile has plastic screening of a design and quality we have yet to find at home. Chile cuenta con mallas plásticas de un diseño y calidad que aún no encontramos en nuestro país.
The sheer amount of screen we purchased impressed both vendors and our coworkers.
The sheer amount of screen we purchased impressed both vendors and our coworkers. La gran cantidad de pantalla que compramos impresionó tanto a los proveedores como a nuestros compañeros de trabajo.
Getting to know the new neighbors; seems like the zoo animals were as interested in us as we were in them. Seeing rare or endemic Chilean fauna made our tasks that much more exciting. The Quique, Galictis cuja, a hyperactive mustelid, found our presence highly entertaining.
Getting to know the new neighbors; seems like the zoo animals were as interested in us as we were in them. Seeing rare or endemic Chilean fauna made our tasks that much more exciting. The Quique, Galictis cuja, a hyperactive mustelid, found our presence highly entertaining. Conociendo a los nuevos vecinos; Parece que los animales del zoológico estaban tan interesados ​​en nosotros como nosotros en ellos. Ver fauna chilena rara o endémica hizo que nuestras tareas fueran mucho más emocionantes. El Quique, Galictis cuja, un mustélido hiperactivo, encontró nuestra presencia muy entretenida.
Like its northern cousin the Grison, the Quique is an aggressive predator. In fact, Chileans use the name “quique” to describe someone who is angry.
Like its northern cousin the Grison, the Quique is an aggressive predator. In fact, Chileans use the name “quique” to describe someone who is angry. Al igual que su primo del norte, el Grisón, el Quique es un depredador agresivo. De hecho, los chilenos usan el nombre “quique” para describir a alguien que está enojado.
We changed everybody’s routine, and even woke up nocturnal animals like this Magellanic Owl, Bubo magellanicus.
We changed everybody’s routine, and even woke up nocturnal animals like this Magellanic Owl, Bubo magellanicus. Cambiamos la rutina de todos, e incluso despertamos a animales nocturnos como este Búho de Magallanes, Bubo magellanicus.
However, after sniffing over the newcomers…
However, after sniffing over the newcomers… Sin embargo, después de oler a los recién llegados …
… and softened up by tasty handouts, we were accepted.
… and softened up by tasty handouts, we were accepted. … y ablandados por sabrosas limosnas, fuimos aceptados.


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  1. Melissa Green

    My conservation biology class was really impressed with this project. IMHO, this is fabulous work.

    Save the frogs! – Melissa

  2. Hector Villa

    What are you guys going to do with the baby frogs you produce?

    Later – Hector

    • Hi Hector,

      Ultimately, we hope to perform reintroductions of Darwin’s Frogs in preserved areas of Chile within their traditional range. There are a lot of things that need to happen first. Right now, we are concentrating on getting our frogs to breed regularly in our facility in Santiago.

      Cheers & Thanks!!

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